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1 This document is a non-transferable License Agreement, defining terms and conditions that regulate the use of a specialized application file named VISUAL_AIML.xls and/or VISUAL_AIML.xla STANDARD EDITOR, including its worksheets and macros; whose intellectual property is owned by ICG / Robert G (

2 VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla STANDARD EDITOR is made available only to registered users to assist development of AIML files (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language).

3 As a registered user, you are allowed to run a single copy in one computer. On the other hand you are not allowed to make additional copies, distributing them to others by any means, disabling protection that prevents visualization of formulas and/or macros, integrating the application as a whole or in part to work with software other than Microsoft's Excel.
You are also restricted to sell VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla STANDARD EDITOR, the generated AIML code, and/or its corresponding database information in any commercial form.

4 VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla STANDARD EDITOR is distributed as it is. Users explicitly accept exclusive and full responsibility for the use of this application, its generated code, as well as for any actions that could result in damage or economic loss for themselves and/or others. Furthermore, users accept to maintain copyright owner free of legal and/or economic claims of any kind and for any reason.

5 This License Agreement applies exclusively the STANDARD EDITOR release of VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla which is distributed as Freeware to qualified registered users. Other modules named EXTENSION FOR STANDARD EDITOR, PHRASE SPLITTER, AUTOBUILDER, AIML DECODER, and REPORTS & STATISTICS  correspond to enhanced options having commercial value, covered in a separate Agreement.

6 The use of VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla STANDARD EDITOR requires user registration, acceptance of this License Agreement, and a password to access the file for the first time. The copyright owner keeps the right to accept or reject registration requests at its own criteria.

7 As a registered user you received an e-mail containing this License Agreement, a password, and a link to download your copy of VISUAL_AIML.xls /xla STANDARD EDITOR. Downloading and/or using the password, implies full acceptance of this License Agreement. Breaking any of its terms, providing false registration data, making your password or download link available to others, will result in automatic cancellation of this license and face legal responsibility according to copyright laws.

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© 2001 ICG


Updated 06/02/01